
IPPUDO's 1st Ever Chicken Ramen Menu

12:55 PM

I feel so lucky to be invited to IPPUDO's exclusive tasting event for their 1st ever Chicken Ramen Menu. I mean, seriously! From all IPPUDO's flagship store all across the globe, they chose IPPUDO Indonesia to launch their new menu and I can be the first to try it. In addition to that, this chicken ramen menu isn't available for public until 1st of June 2015. Come on, man! How cool is that?

IPPUDO was found in 1985 at Hakata (Fukuoka) by the famous ramen king, Shigemi Kawahara. It has more than 80 stores in Japan and more than 45 stores all across the globe, including the one at Pacific Place Jakarta. Kawahara's Philosophy, to continously innovate to remain true, has inspired IPPUDO to create the first ever chicken ramen menu that specially made for their customers in Indonesia. And let's keep in mind that they're not just making one chicken ramen menu but two. And again, how amazing is that?

By the way, I'm in love with IPPUDO's gorgeous chandelier in the middle of the dining room. It's a perfect addition for the dark atmosphere in the restaurant. It brings a classy and luxurious feeling to it. It's so pretty I can't even take my eyes off of it.

The first on the menu is Tokyo Chicken Shoyu Ramen. This ramen was served with a big portion of noodle, a delicious chicken broth with a special shoyu sauce, a bunch of Menma (bamboo shots), a few slices of Narutomaki (fish balls) and of course two slices of chicken chashu. I tried this dish and it was amazing and by amazing I mean THAT amazing.

I love the flavor that the chicken broth brings. It was light with a hint of shoyu saltiness but blends perfectly in every sip. I heard that they simmer this chicken broth for more than 5 hours, no wonder it taste so good. Oh I also love the noodle itself, it has the perfect thickness and yummy-chewy factor that I always look on a noodle based dish. And don't forget about the chicken chashu. Juicy, tender and definitely yummy. Gosh! I'm drooling right now.

The next menu is Spicy Chicken Ramen. The serving was similar to the first menu but this one adds a special spicy sauce. I didn't try this one but other bloggers said it has the perfect spiciness for Indonesian people.

We also get an appetizers samples that night. We were served with Grilled Chicken Bun, Spicy Shrimp Mayo and Seared Salmon Roll Mentaiko. I'm in love with the seared salmon. The salmon seared lightly and the mentaiko was uberly delicious. I quite like the shrimp mayo too. I mean who doesn't love a fried dish with a hint of spicy? As for the grilled chicken bun, it was just okay for me.

As you all know, IPPUDO serves pork menu in their restaurant. To all of my moeslem fellow out there, you don't have to worry about it. They use different bowls, spoons, chopsticks and even they separate the cooking process between the chicken and pork ramen. I know some of you maybe have doubts about it but for me as long as they cooked it separately and serves it with a different utensils, I'm okay with it.


Pacific Place, 5th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52-53
SCBD, Jakarta
(+62) 21 5797 3339

Twitter     : @IppudoIDN
Instagram : @ippudoindonesia

Food          : 4,5/5
Ambiance  : 4/5
Price          : 4/5
Service      : 4,5/5

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  1. How about the price, Njan?? *buat referensi coaching dinner bulan ini. Mehehe

    1. hi ghea! untuk harga emang agak mahal sih itungannya. kalo gak salah satu bowlnya itu sekitar 70rban. tapi karena porsinya cukup besar, dengan harga segitu jatohnya pas aja sih hehehe. kalo mau liat full menu plus harga bisa liat di pergikuliner.com atau di zomato ya ghe :)

  2. makanannya menggiurkan bgt tempatnya juga keliatannya mewah bgt ala" ya siss hihi cocok buat dinner ala" sama temen" atau quality time sama keluarga. mantap!

  3. Gue jadi laper gara2 ni review nyaa... Bikin ngiler bangeettssss

  4. Menggugah selera bgt inih.. btw interiornya ketje jugaa

  5. Ena banget nih keknya, apalagi kalo diajak makan bareng sama mbaknya~

  6. Aaaahh.. langsung hipersalivasi liat ramennya. Jadi pengen deh.. brhubung gw suka ramen jga lumayan nih buat nambah referensi.. kapan2 ajak gw ya jan

  7. Daftar tempat kuliner nambah lagi nih buat kumpul bareng temen2.. boleh banget nih dicoba!

  8. Daftar tempat kuliner nambah lagi nih buat kumpul bareng temen2.. boleh banget nih dicoba!

  9. Mantap bgt nih keliatannyaa! Kapan2 harus cobaa :9

  10. The photos are so good that i think i need to taste them right now. so deliii! Such a great review!

  11. Nyamnyamnyam. Spicy chicken ramennya menggiurkan. Tempatnya oke & nyaman buat ngumpul ramean sama temen2. Nambah rekomendasi tempat makan buat buka puasa bareng temen nanti. Yg paling penting, HALAL. Wohoooo

  12. Bisa kali ya tgl 5 Juli kesini :p

  13. Gojek aja lah biar cepet 😋😋

  14. Udah kebayang enaknya �������� yuk lah kongkow. Siapin perut kosong lalu hap

  15. Such a great review! Terus posting foto & review yg menggugah seleraaaa ya!

  16. Ena banget nih keknya, apalagi kalo diajak makan bareng sama mbaknya~ (2)

  17. akhirnya ada yang chickennnn!


