
Korean BBQ Kind of Night

11:31 PM

Sunday has always been my favorite day. Why? Because every Sunday I could escape my never ending worker life and also my frustrating dentistry co-assistant life. Yes, I'm living a double life as a part-time 6 days a week worker and a full-time 5 days a week student, and it's exhausting. That's why I've been waiting for Sunday all week. It was my kind of stress release day. But most importantly it was the day that I can go out with my family and friends.

My friends and I decided to go to Wu Jang Gun at Wolter Monginsidi. My friend said that the food was pretty good and with a reasonable price also. Reasonable price has always been our number one reason to choose a restaurant. Well ... what more can I say? We are still new to "working world" and we still trying to save some money. Oh! They also one of the halal Korean restaurant. I forgot to ask how halal is their food but I'm pretty sure it was reliable since I saw some MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia) Halal's Certificate plaque near the cashier if I'm not mistaken.

Oh! Something funny happened on our way to the restaurant. We were stuck in a heavy traffic and I just realized that our car was very low on fuel. We've been stuck in traffic for about 1 hour and panic if this traffic continues, our car will be stalled. In no matter of time our car will be out of fuel at some point and the nearest gas station was still more than 1 Km. Even we decided to turn off our AC even though it was freakin' hot outside. I even thinking about running to the nearest gas station to buy some gasoline in a bottle then fill my car with it. Stupidity at it's best, I know. But I was freaked out my car is going to stalled in the middle of the road and made more traffic.

Then I just realize that my car is Toyota Agya, a small but convenient city car with a LCGC (Low Cost Green Car) feature. This mean that the car is very economical in fuel consumption. Perfect for a young first jobber like me. The new kid on the office with a small salary but has a big needs in social life. I can save up my salary for my social life but I don't have to worry about my car's fuel consumption since my Toyota Agya is very very economical. So based on this we decided to turn back on the AC and drive along until we find the nearest gas station.

We arrived around 5PM in the afternoon, we were famished. After the waitresses show us our table, we immediately ordered the beef barbeque set (which I forgot what was the name) and my all time favorite Sun Du Bu Jiggae (I'm not sure this is the right way to write it). Before our food came out, they served us with some Korean appetizers such as Kimchi, Fried Sweet Potato, Stir Vegetables and much more.

The beef was yumm! It was juicy, tender, tasty, delicious all the way. Oh, the barbeque set came with a plate of vegetables that we ate along with the beef. You do know how to eat the beef in Korean ways right? You put the vegetables (the leaves) in your hand, put the beef-rice-sauce-other veggies if you like, you wrap it around and eat it in a whole piece. Please remind me to write some more about this unique style of eating.

As for the Sun Du Bu Jiggae, I just can't stop eating it! Sun Du Bu Jiggae is a spicy tofu soup that sometime came with chicken/beef/seafood. I always order this particular dish every time I came to a Korean restaurant. Loving the silky tofu, perfect spiciness and steamy hot soup. Oh my! I'm drooling right now!

Overall, I like this restaurant for serving a good food with a very reasonable price. No to mention the cozy ambiance that they offer and also a nice ocha tea which was free flow by the way. Sadly some of the waitress were not as helpful as they should but still nice and smiling all the way.


Wu Jang Gun
Jl. Wolter Monginsidi no 34
Senopati, Jakarta
(+62) 21 725 6181

Food         : 3,5/5
Ambiance : 4/5
Price         : 3,5/5
Service     : 3/5

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  1. *glekkkkk* nelen ludah gw lyat foto"nya ngilerrr

  2. Yuklah segera deket rumahku ini hehehe

  3. What a good review, Jan! Bikin ngiler aja liat foto2 korean bbq-nya. Lupain diet, ayoooo kesanaaaaa! :3

  4. so tempting to go there....nice one mba...salam kenal ya...

    1. salam kenal juga mba wulan! yuk mari kita kesini bareng-bareng hehe :)

  5. Pengeeeeenn nyobain iniihhh,, dari foto makanannya bikin pengen.. ����

  6. Cool review on menu and nice story though ! Keep posting for another restaurant lol

  7. Korean food always the best treat to replace some heavy days... Well done, Jani!!

  8. Looks yum! It's kinda hard to find a halal korean restaurant nowadays, finding one must feel like a gem. Btw, I think it will be nice of you to treat these good friends that accompany you to another food trip ;)

  9. keknya enaaaaak, besok coba ah. thanks reviewnya jaaann!

  10. Aaaahh jan...ngiler liatnya deh jadi kepengen. Mau dong sekali2 diajakin nyobain ��

  11. Good review!! Jd gak takut kalo makan korean food, jd pengeeennn!!!!

  12. Yeaay korean food halal, bisa nih buat weekend jan

  13. Hot soupnya enak yaa kliatannya! Kayak anget2 panes sedap hahaha :)

  14. Wuuuiihh bikin ngiler ni fotonya...♥♥♥♥♥

  15. Bikin ngiler fto" makanan'y,,mau nyobain 😋

  16. Great review,enak2 banget keliatannya,😍😍

  17. It's look so delicious!! Good job jan.

  18. Njaaaan kalo ke sini lagi ajak2 yaaaa! Looks so yummy ��

  19. Good review jann.ntar mau ajak pacar makan disana..hehe

  20. Mauuu.... terlihat superb enak

  21. Wow belum pernah coba restoran ini. Tlihat menggiurkan dr review nya.. Tx janiii next time mari kita coba :)

  22. *kehabisan kata* enaqqqqq bangeeet keknyaaaa :O

