
Get Lost in Books and Coffee

Who doesn't have a thing with books and coffee? Even though I'm not a much coffee lover myself, I do love to hang out at a coffee shop, sipping my coffee while reading books for hours. Yes, not just an hour or two. I could sit alone in the coffee shop for 5 hours minimum. For what? Anything! Starting from doing my paperwork,...

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Flowers ... Flowers Everywhere

Banyak bungaaa bungaaa ....... I feel free ....... Mau tiduran disini dulu deh ....... Okay, enough with those Syahrini jokes about flowers. Move on to the second stop for that day, Clea Tea Bar & Lounge which filled with flowers and by flowers I means lots of flowers. Banyak bunga-bunga ....... Bunga-bunga ....... Located at the busy Kemang Raya, Clea Tea Bar &...

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Hidden (Coffee) Gems

As you all can see, I can never say no to food. Whoever ask me to come along, wherever they took me, whatever I'm going to eat, there's a 99% I will say yes to it. So when the Pergi Kuliner team asked me to go on a culinary trip (again) with them, you definitely know what I'm about to say. We had...

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A Day with Fellow Food Bloggers

Exploring Jakarta is so useless. You'll get stuck in a bad traffic that can cause you a major stress, you have to prepare some extra cash for your fuel since it's already wasted a lot in the traffic and don't forget the pain through your whole body after a long day in a narrow car. It's just useless. Is there any way to...

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Different Floor, Different Story

I would like to say thank you to Zomato Indonesia for inviting me to another Zomato Meet Up on Saturday 23rd of May 2015 at Black House Senopati. It was always good to meet another foodies and share the same passion as I do. After all expanding your network never can go wrong, right? Black House is located at Cililin Raya, Senopati. Actually...

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