A Life Journal


In the middle of the night, in time like this, sometimes praying is the only thing that you can do. I pray to God, that somehow He will ease my pain but never make it easier. I pray to God, that somehow He strengthen my heart to forgive but never forget. I pray to God, that someday He will show me a good...

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A Travel Journal

[Jakarta] The World of Ghibli Exhibition

I just got back from The World of Ghibli Exhibition at Ritz Carlton Pacific Place, and I cannot help myself not to share it with you guys! About a month ago, The World of Ghibli opened their very first exhibition in Jakarta. My friends has talk about this for a couple of months since they are a huge fan of Ghibli. What is...

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A Music Journal

September Playlist

I’ve been really busy for these past few months. Preparing for my final exam (finally), working this and that, travelling back and forth to some city, and still trying my best to write on this blog. Exhausting. But at the end of the day, I feel really happy doing all the stuffs that I love. By the way, these are some of the...

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