A Food Journal

[Jakarta] Best Paletas!

I have and will always have a thing for ice cream. Even when I’m having a really bad cough or even when the weather is -10 degrees, I will always have a thing for ice cream. This ice cream madness always strikes every time I explore a new place/area. Therefore when I went to Kebon Jeruk area a couple of days ago, the...

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A Travel Journal

[Jakarta] Museum MACAN - Arts Turns. World Turns.

First of all, don’t be surprised by the name of the museum. Museum MACAN doesn’t show a range of tiger collection but it is an acronym of Modern and Contemporary Art in Nusantara. The currently most talked about museum by the hipster in Jakarta. The Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Nusantara (Museum MACAN) is the first institution of its kind, providing...

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A Travel Journal

[Jakarta] To Infinity and Beyond

Went to Plaza Indonesia for a quick lunch with a friend before my afternoon meeting around Thamrin area. When we were strolling around, looking for something to eat, we found this black door and we found the door to Narnia ……. Just kidding! However we really do found this magical place. The room is actually an exhibition called Plaza Indonesia’s Infinity Room. The...

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