I never knew that there are lots of restaurants right behind The Promenade (Ace Hardware, Pasar Minggu). All these time I just passed it by because from the outside it doesn't look appealing to me. If so I would stop by and try every single restaurant there. Thanks to Zomato Indonesia for inviting me to their Meet Up event, now I know there...
It's official that I'm in love with Pancious for not just bringing a delicious pancakes and crepe cakes but also a marvelous savory dish. Yes, marvelous. In this post I will talk about one of their pasta. Please keep in mind that I almost never ordered a pasta in a restaurant unless the waiter/waitress really really recommend it since I always cook pasta...
I would like to say thank you to whoever invented the famous Nasi Goreng. It's an easy dish and ultimate comfort food for me (after martabak, of course). The perfect balance from their seasoning and topped with a fried egg, there is nothing can go wrong with this dish. Anyone can make this beautiful sexy messy food from anything that you find in...
I always doubt every food that put a 'HEALTHY' words on their menu. Since most of the time I find a healthy food always taste ... well, you know. And for most of the time, they put an unreasonably high price for their food. I'm pissed. Paying that much for something that taste doesn't really good, promising that you're going to be healthier...
I've been here a thousand times but somehow always forgot to took a decent pictures of their interior and cakes. So when I was here yesterday, the first thing I did is taking a lots of pictures of their interior and of course their cakes. But somehow those pictures turned out blurry and weird and I don't want to share it with you...
It's always good to have a snack while you are wandering around. Sadly not all food stand/outlet have a cool and easy container bowl for their food. Most of the time I ended up with a too-big-for-one-hand food container and I have to sit down to eat it. In reality I like a small and nice food container bowl to carry around. As...
To me, every dish in Pancious never can go wrong. I mean it. I've tried both their sweet and savory dishes and they never fails me. But I personally loving Pancious for their great pancakes, and now crepe cake. I'm madly in love with their crepe cake since the first time I tried it back at Pancious Grand Indonesia. I managed to persuade...
[as per JUNE 2015; Kiwami Gandaria City is no longer operating] Jakarta has been so hot these past few days and I can't stop wondering what could possibly make it much cooler? Suddenly I remember about this cute little space in Gandaria City called Kiwami (right next to Jeans Chilli Chicken and across Bebek Bengil). I heard they have a nice kakigori (shaved...
Describe my 2014 in three words? Sh*t. Sh*t. Sh*t. And sh*t was not even close to what I experienced in 2014. Well yeah you read it right. My 2014 was pain in the *ss, filled with the worst possible thing that could happen to someone in a single year. I'm not joking, I'm not over reacting it, I mean it. It was something...