
Amazing Lamb Satay

8:59 PM

I'm not familiar with Cikini/Pecenongan and the surrounding area. To be honest I never been there at all, neither for some food nor just strolling around. I don't know if there is any good food around there, I don't know if there is any sightseeing around there, I don't even know where exactly on map is that area. No, not at all. So when I got invited by PergiKuliner.com for a casual meet up/culinary trip to this particular area (based on our group agreements), I raised my hand in full of excitements. And I'm not disappointed at all.

The culinary journey was on Sunday, 8th of February 2015. I know it's been a month since we went to these places but I've been very busy with my life lately, so here is the stories about my journey with them. Oh since we came to several restaurants (six restaurants to be exact plus three which unfortunately closed when we arrived there. Super freakin' sad), I will post my stories in a several entry, based on each restaurant we visited that day. So let's start with the first restaurant, Sulaiman Resto at Batu Ceper.

Stated as a Chinese Muslim restaurant, it sure is  100% halal in every dish that they made. We decided to order Tahu Mapo, Mie Daging Sapi Kentang, Nasi Daging Kambing Bawang, Ayam Kong Pao, Roti Bakar Gepeng and their famous Sate Kambing. Too much? Luckily all of my fellow foodies were really really love to eat. So we don't mind ordering that much food. We will finish them anyway.

The Ayam Kong Pao was different than other chinese restaurant kung pao chicken. While the other kung pao chicken was savory and a little sour, this one was more sweet and tangy in good way. I'm not a huge fan of this dish but this one still good and yumm to the last lick. As for the Mie Daging Sapi Kentang, there were nothing special about it. But still lovely and the beef was juicy too.

I gotta say the Tahu Mapo and Roti Bakar Gepeng was match made in heaven. I love to dip the bread into the mapo sauce and eat it along that way. Somehow it's perfect and I can't stop eating it. Although when I was trying to eat the bread all alone, it taste weird since it has no seasoning at all. It was just a pressed plain bread being grilled. Nothing more. On the other hand the Tahu Mapo itself was delicious. The tofu was silky and smooth while the sauce has the perfect level of thickness. Oh my God! Just by imagining the dishes made me drool over my laptop (eww ... gross).

Moving on to the Nasi Daging Kambing Bawang and Sate Kambing. It was sooooooo freakin' good, I almost cried when I ate it. The Nasi Daging Kambing Bawang has this sour tomato taste yet very refreshing. The Sate Kambing itself was different than other satay. The mutton was skewered through a metal stick and was heavily seasoned. Some might say it was too salty, but for me it works well just like that.

I have this weird obsession thingy with mutton. Well who doesn't? Especially when the mutton was so juicy and yummy and tender and and and ....... (black out for imagining a mutton). All I can say is here in Sulaiman Resto, they really do serve the best mutton. It was juicy, tender, no disgusting lamb smell at all and most of all delicious all the way! Even though some parts was just the mutton fat but it doesn't really matter. The rest of the mutton was just too delicious to be complained about. You really really should try this Sulaiman Resto. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.


Sulaiman Resto
Jl. Batu Ceper no 73
Pecenongan, Jakarta
(+62) 21 351 1757

Food          : 4,5/5
Ambiance  : 3/5
Price          : 3/5
Service      : 3/5

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