
My Happiness

11:11 PM

I honestly have no words to say, except thank you God.

Last year was a blessing. I finally finish my dental degree, my financial pretty stable and I was as happy as I could ever imagine. I am grateful for everything I have achieved this year and everything I have own as per today. And I owe it to You, God. So thank you.

These past few days, I went to Yogyakarta doing some work stuff. Spent most of the time alone, I think a lot of my happiness. I always been that all smile and happy girl in my daily life. I always been that girl who obey what the older people told me. I always been that strong headed and determined to success girl. I am what I am, and as far as I know, I’m happy about it. But do I really happy about it?
Sadly, I don’t even know.

Talking about my happiness, I feel so confused. To think it all down, all these ‘happy’ moment that I experienced was mostly to please someone or because I don’t want upset someone. Even finishing my degree was to make my family happy. Even some stuff that I’ve been doing now was to make the society happy. So if I did it for someone else, does it consider my happiness? Cause honestly, I don’t really remember when was the last time I did something that I really want whole heartedly.

So today I promise myself. That this year, I will put my happiness first. I will only do something that my heart want, not because it is what the society want me to be. But because it is what I want whole heartedly. I’ve been spending half of my years for others, so I think it is time for me to spend it for myself.

Anyway, thank you everyone for making my birthday special as always. Let’s see what 26 have in store for me.

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