A Music Journal

[Philippines] Sam Smith : The Thrill of It All World Tour 2018

Samuel Frederick Smith or famously known as Sam Smith is an English singer-songwriter that rose to fame on October 2012 with Disclosure’s breakthrough single ‘Latch’. Ever since then, he released a couple of hit singles, won an amazing amount of awards and bless us with two beautiful album. His latest work is ‘The Thrill of It All’ album and I am more than...

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A Travel Journal

[Philippines] Postcards from Philippines

I just came back from Philippines for ‘Sam Smith - The Thrill of It All World Tour 2018’ which was undoubtfully amazing! His voice was heavenly and I couldn't help myself but cry in some of his songs. Other than attending the concert, my friends and I also explored the city of Manila. Starting from their amazing museums to their glorious food. I’ve...

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A Food Journal

[Yogyakarta] A Place Like Home

I’ve known RM Demangan for a quite long time. I still remember the first time I knew about this place was from one of my favorite influencer on instagram, @lucedaleco, the owner itself. First opened back in 2016 (cmiiw), this restaurant just recently reopen after their big renovation. And from what I noticed, this place just getting even cuter! The ambiance of this...

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A Food Journal

[Jakarta] The Great Gojira!

A few days ago, I was invited by Traveloka Eats for their ‘Weekend Seru’ event. The event was also to promote about the new movie that they sponsored called ‘Aruna dan Lidahnya’. It is a movie about a woman who investigate bird flu case in a few cities in Indonesia along with colleague and friends. In between those investigation, as a food lover,...

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