A Food Journal

[Jakarta] Kookie and Kream

At this moment, you guys must already know that I am a big fan of anything sweets, especially cookies and ice cream. So when I heard about a place where they combine cookies and ice cream all together, I literally scream and write the place on top of my food list. And just about a few days ago, I finally got the chance...

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A Life Journal

8 Januari 2018

“Tell me something girl, are you happy in this modern world? Or do you need more? Is there something else you’re searching for?” Shallow – Bradley Cooper ft Lady Gaga *** Sebuah lirik lagu yang berhasil membuat saya menangis meraung-raung malam ini. Di sebuah kamar di lantai 2 rumah tua di kota Bandung. Membangkitkan kenangan setahun lalu akan keputusan yang masih saya pertanyakan...

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