
Nice Japanese Brunch

I probably already joined every single quizzes or competition that existed but none of them turned out the way that I want. One time I joined Aline Chandra from Foolosophy giveaway. I expect nothing since I'm not good at these kind of things but somehow, I won. She gave me a 'Buy One Get One' brunch voucher from Huize Van Wely. Excited? Definitely!...

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Bali and Lombok Culinary Spices Journey

Living in Indonesia with so much diversity in every life aspect means you can learn something new every day. Starting from the languages, cultures, plants, religions, spiritual habit but most of all is foods. One day will never be enough to look or try all of it. I mean you cannot possibly explore all of them since the diversity is literally spread all...

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Sedikit Tentang : Ayah

Siapa sangka saya bisa bertahan selama 365 hari tanpa dirimu? Sepanjang hidup ini, yang saya tahu adalah 'Ayah, jemput aku di x dong!', 'bantuin aku, please?', 'ini gimana sih? ajarin dong, yah', 'temenin aku pergi yuk, yah' dan masih banyak hal lainnya. ...

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A Music Journal

Kina Grannis Elements Tour : Jakarta

Youtube has play a huge part in music industry these past few years. People use it to promote their music, so people from across the globe could see, like and eventually buy their music. And for that, I personally thank you to whoever invented Youtube in the first place. Not because I use it for promoting my work (well ... probably not yet...

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Snacks ... Snacks Everywhere

Admit it, you won't survive a day without a snack in your hands. I personally think, a person who never snacking in their spare time (well for me, every time), is not enjoying their life. Like seriously! For me, snacking is an easiest and quickest way to lift up your mood in just a second. Either it's a chocolate bar, cookies, cupcake or...

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Hi everyone! *waving* It's been a while, two months to be exact. Sorry for the lack of post for these past few months. I really am sorry about this. I've been busy as hell with my university thingy and also I have a permanent job right now. Not to mention Jani's Kitchen order and a couple of projects that I've been working on...

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One Stop Culinary Garden

I always love the concept of one stop service. In terms of food, it is more like a food court. Where you can get many food choices and try it just in one place. How precious is that? Especially when you come with your friends. You can share and explore food as much as you want. Same thing goes with this Garden Kuliner...

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Get Lost in Books and Coffee

Who doesn't have a thing with books and coffee? Even though I'm not a much coffee lover myself, I do love to hang out at a coffee shop, sipping my coffee while reading books for hours. Yes, not just an hour or two. I could sit alone in the coffee shop for 5 hours minimum. For what? Anything! Starting from doing my paperwork,...

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Flowers ... Flowers Everywhere

Banyak bungaaa bungaaa ....... I feel free ....... Mau tiduran disini dulu deh ....... Okay, enough with those Syahrini jokes about flowers. Move on to the second stop for that day, Clea Tea Bar & Lounge which filled with flowers and by flowers I means lots of flowers. Banyak bunga-bunga ....... Bunga-bunga ....... Located at the busy Kemang Raya, Clea Tea Bar &...

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Hidden (Coffee) Gems

As you all can see, I can never say no to food. Whoever ask me to come along, wherever they took me, whatever I'm going to eat, there's a 99% I will say yes to it. So when the Pergi Kuliner team asked me to go on a culinary trip (again) with them, you definitely know what I'm about to say. We had...

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A Day with Fellow Food Bloggers

Exploring Jakarta is so useless. You'll get stuck in a bad traffic that can cause you a major stress, you have to prepare some extra cash for your fuel since it's already wasted a lot in the traffic and don't forget the pain through your whole body after a long day in a narrow car. It's just useless. Is there any way to...

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Different Floor, Different Story

I would like to say thank you to Zomato Indonesia for inviting me to another Zomato Meet Up on Saturday 23rd of May 2015 at Black House Senopati. It was always good to meet another foodies and share the same passion as I do. After all expanding your network never can go wrong, right? Black House is located at Cililin Raya, Senopati. Actually...

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IPPUDO's 1st Ever Chicken Ramen Menu

I feel so lucky to be invited to IPPUDO's exclusive tasting event for their 1st ever Chicken Ramen Menu. I mean, seriously! From all IPPUDO's flagship store all across the globe, they chose IPPUDO Indonesia to launch their new menu and I can be the first to try it. In addition to that, this chicken ramen menu isn't available for public until 1st...

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Cream and Cheese All the Way

I feel so lucky to be invited to another Zomato Meet Up at Macaroni House back at March. I know I know ... it's been far too long but I just got the chance to write it up and post it here. I've been busy as hell and really haven't got time to open my blog and write a proper review. Not that...

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Korean BBQ Kind of Night

Sunday has always been my favorite day. Why? Because every Sunday I could escape my never ending worker life and also my frustrating dentistry co-assistant life. Yes, I'm living a double life as a part-time 6 days a week worker and a full-time 5 days a week student, and it's exhausting. That's why I've been waiting for Sunday all week. It was my...

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Harus Bagaimana?

Aku mencintaimu karena kamu adalah kamu. Bukan karena apa yang selama ini kamu miliki, bukan karena apa yang telah kamu lalui dan bukan karena apa yang tidak sengaja terjadi. Aku menyayangi kamu apa adanya. Dengan segala sorot mata yang menyimpan pilu, dengan segala perbandingan yang berseru dan dengan segala sakit yang aku tidak tahu. Aku menerima kamu apa adanya. Atas hati yang membeku,...

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Shit. I know I've been a bad blogger for not writing as often as I should and I really am sorry, hereby I want to ask all of you for some apologies. I skipped the whole April without writing/posting any new post(s) even though I have so many things in my mind to share with. I really really am sorry. Last month was...

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The Legendary : Nasi Uduk Kebon Kacang

I always wonder, why something sinful is always tempting? Even though you get worried when you did it, the adrenaline somehow made you smile after (no, I'm not proud of myself about it). Yeah, you name it. Starting from violating the rules to eating in the middle of the night. Oh yes! Especially eating in the middle of the night. This thing always...

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Coffee Galore

Well after two big meals in a row, I think we need another coffee break. After a long discussion we decided to go to Goni Coffee at Kemang. Unfortunately the moment we arrived there, it was the moment when the barista turned off the coffee machine. Sad. Still figuring out where else to go, one of my fellow foodies suggested to go to...

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The Always Good Umaku

Confused. We don't know where else to go since all of us were more like go-with-the-flow person. As one of our fellow foodies suggest us to go to a sushi restaurant, we asked the driver to drive us there. Where? We went to Umaku Sushi Resto in Mampang this time. If you have a hard time looking for this place, just remember the...

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Arabian Night

Third pit stop of the day! After a few hours of coffee break, we were ready for another big meals. Bring it on, baby! We don't even feel full at all. This time we decided to go middle eastern all the way, thus we decided to go to Al-Jazeerah restaurant at Cikini. This is the first time I visit the restaurant. I usually...

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Hidden In the Attic

Then after those big feast, we were looking for some sweets and probably some cup of coffee for our palate. So we headed to Menteng area, Loteng Cikini to be exact. Located right above the Tjikini Cafe, it was kinda hard to find this place when you're not familiar with this place. Just remember the tiny blue door with a gold writing on...

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Amazing Lamb Satay

I'm not familiar with Cikini/Pecenongan and the surrounding area. To be honest I never been there at all, neither for some food nor just strolling around. I don't know if there is any good food around there, I don't know if there is any sightseeing around there, I don't even know where exactly on map is that area. No, not at all. So...

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A Quick Little Update

I know I know. I haven't write anything on February and this only means that I've been a really bad blogger for these past months. Therefore I really am sorry. I've been very busy with my life, especially with everything that just happened last February. The requirements in my dentistry co-assistant program are killing me. I really need to finish this whole thing...

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Geeky Greek

I never knew that there are lots of restaurants right behind The Promenade (Ace Hardware, Pasar Minggu). All these time I just passed it by because from the outside it doesn't look appealing to me. If so I would stop by and try every single restaurant there. Thanks to Zomato Indonesia for inviting me to their Meet Up event, now I know there...

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Precious Lunch

It's official that I'm in love with Pancious for not just bringing a delicious pancakes and crepe cakes but also a marvelous savory dish. Yes, marvelous. In this post I will talk about one of their pasta. Please keep in mind that I almost never ordered a pasta in a restaurant unless the waiter/waitress really really recommend it since I always cook pasta...

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I would like to say thank you to whoever invented the famous Nasi Goreng. It's an easy dish and ultimate comfort food for me (after martabak, of course). The perfect balance from their seasoning and topped with a fried egg, there is nothing can go wrong with this dish. Anyone can make this beautiful sexy messy food from anything that you find in...

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Healthy Yet Super Yummy

I always doubt every food that put a 'HEALTHY' words on their menu. Since most of the time I find a healthy food always taste ... well, you know. And for most of the time, they put an unreasonably high price for their food. I'm pissed. Paying that much for something that taste doesn't really good, promising that you're going to be healthier...

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I See You

I've been here a thousand times but somehow always forgot to took a decent pictures of their interior and cakes. So when I was here yesterday, the first thing I did is taking a lots of pictures of their interior and of course their cakes. But somehow those pictures turned out blurry and weird and I don't want to share it with you...

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Happy Food Happy Tummy

It's always good to have a snack while you are wandering around. Sadly not all food stand/outlet have a cool and easy container bowl for their food. Most of the time I ended up with a too-big-for-one-hand food container and I have to sit down to eat it. In reality I like a small and nice food container bowl to carry around. As...

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Crepe Cake Overload

To me, every dish in Pancious never can go wrong. I mean it. I've tried both their sweet and savory dishes and they never fails me. But I personally loving Pancious for their great pancakes, and now crepe cake. I'm madly in love with their crepe cake since the first time I tried it back at Pancious Grand Indonesia. I managed to persuade...

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Chill Out a Little Bit [NO LONGER OPERATING]

[as per JUNE 2015; Kiwami Gandaria City is no longer operating] Jakarta has been so hot these past few days and I can't stop wondering what could possibly make it much cooler? Suddenly I remember about this cute little space in Gandaria City called Kiwami (right next to Jeans Chilli Chicken and across Bebek Bengil). I heard they have a nice kakigori (shaved...

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Describe my 2014 in three words? Sh*t. Sh*t. Sh*t. And sh*t was not even close to what I experienced in 2014. Well yeah you read it right. My 2014 was pain in the *ss, filled with the worst possible thing that could happen to someone in a single year. I'm not joking, I'm not over reacting it, I mean it. It was something...

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